Our Values
At humanKIND we carry our values into everything we do. These aren't just words on a page, they are foundational building blocks of how we show up and how we operate with our clients, in our daily lives, and in our world.
What are the core values that form the building blocks of how you show up at work, home, and in your community?
One of our favourite assignments is helping individuals and organizations do the excavation work to bring their authentic core values to the surface.

There is no ONE WAY forward or MAGIC PILL that will solve our problems. We are all individuals who are equally beautiful and flawed beings that need a unique and individualized path forward. One size/solution does not fit all.

KINDNESS (not niceness)
Kindness is truth telling from a place of love. Kindness includes being challenged, accepting you and all of your different internal parts, meeting you where you're at, and telling you what you need to hear, not simply what you want to hear.

We are 100% responsible for deeply knowing and accepting who we are as individuals. When we fully know and love ourselves, we take ownership of our thoughts, actions, and how we show up in our world. From this place we discover our freedom of choice and we own our growth, development, path forward.

The power of human connection and community challenges us to grow, learn, thrive, and be more for our world. You’re not designed to do this alone. Community provides us with the gift of feedback, authentic acknowledgement, and accountability.

We are multi-dimensional beings who perform best when we give ourselves the time to go inside to hear our answers. We learn to trust ourselves when we balance our knowing by listening to the data from our heads, hearts, and our gut.
Let's connect & see if we're a good fit
15 min